Medical Staff Services

Linda Jacobo, CPMSM
Director of Medical Staff Services 909.920.4942 | Email Linda
The Director of Medical Staff Services provides leadership, management and operational oversight of the hospital’s medical staff organization and its support services. The Director works collaboratively with the President of
the Medical Staff, the Medical Executive Committee, and additional medical staff leaders.

Claudia Aguilar
Medical Staff Coordinator 909.920.4947 | Email Claudia
Responsible for the reappointment process for all members of the medical and allied health staff. Ms. Aguilar is also responsible for changes in privileges and staff status.

Tammy Rueckner, CPMSM
Medical Staff Coordinator 909.920.4945 | Email Tammy
Responsible for the following: Processing initial applications, CME program, Bylaws Committee, Credentials Committee and General Staff.

Gretchen Tarbell
Medical Staff Coordinator 909.920.4946 | Email Gretchen
Responsible for coordinating the following meetings: Anesthesia Committee, Emergency Medicine Committee, Family Medicine, Quality Management Committee, Radiology Committee, Surgery Committee.
For General Questions please call 909.920.4851 or email medicalstaffservices@sarh.org