Patient Healthcare Decisions
Your Rights and Responsibilities
Part of delivering the best in patient care is respecting the privacy, dignity, safety, and care-related decisions of the patient.
To learn more about Patient Rights & Responsibilities, click here.
Advanced Directives
For information, click here.
Ethics Committee
Advanced medical technology sometimes creates complex choices and raises difficult ethical questions regarding a patient's rights, advance directives that may be in place, and the healthcare team's responsibilities. We acknowledge that healthcare decisions
can be difficult. It may be hard to decide what is truly in the patient's best interest or what treatment options reflect the patient's wishes. Making these decisions is difficult, and we are committed to offering you a process in which the "best"
or "right" options can be determined in accordance with your values and convictions. The Bioethics Committee is available when you need A Place to Turn When You Face Difficult Choices.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at 909.920.4767 or send us an e-mail at PatientServices@sarh.org.