Daisy Award


The DAISY Award is an international recognition program honoring extraordinary Registered Nurses who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to provide compassionate patient care through exceptional clinical expertise.


Nomination Process:

If you would like to nominate an exceptional registered nurse for the DAISY Award, please submit your nomination digitally by clicking here to our online form. When you are finished, press "submit" and it will be emailed to the selection committee. If you would like to submit a paper form, click on the link below to download the PDF form. Please submit all nominations by the 15th of each month to be considered for the current month's award.

Mail or drop off paper form submissions to:

San Antonio Regional Hospital
Attn: Human Resources Department
999 San Bernardino Road, 
Upland, California 91786 

To download the .pdf version of the DAISY Award nomination form, please click here.

If you need Adobe Acrobat to read the file, click here.

If you are looking for the LEAF Award, please click here.

If you are looking for the PROVIDER Award, please click here.


December 2024 DAISY Award Recipient

Ishlah Sanusi Nov 2024 DAISY Award


Mary Pilapil, RN, 2nd DOU - Citrus West
DAISY Award – December 2024

Mary has been part of the San Antonio Care Team for the last nine years. She is an excellent bedside and charge nurse. She consistently demonstrates an unwavering commitment to high-quality patient care, and a tireless dedication to mentoring new staff. Mary thinks ahead, stays on top of everything, and is a great patient and staff advocate. In high-stress situations, Mary’s calm and clear-headed leadership helps to ground the entire team. She leads with action, making it clear that she is someone you can trust without hesitation. Her impact goes far beyond her patients. She is a great source of knowledge and support for fellow nurses and an amazing preceptor for our new nurse grads. It is her heart and her ability to make people feel cared for, seen and heard, that has made such a lasting impression on everyone around her. Mary has the admiration and respect of everyone she works with. Well deserved, Mary!

2024 Winners

December: Mary Pilapil, RN, 2nd DOU - Citrus West

November: Ishlah Sanusi, RN, Cardiac Care Unit

October: Alec Cardena, RN, 4th Floor Surgical Oncology

September: Jaysn Serrano, RN, Outpatient Observation Unit

August: Rocio Ford, RN, 3rd Floor Direct Observation Unit

July: Azucena “Suzy” Campos, RN, 4th Floor, Surgical/Oncology

June: Patricia Normis, RN, Maternity Department

May: Nathali Canedo, RN, Emergency Department

April: Jessica Nicolle, RN, Ambulatory Care Unit

March: Veronica Ramirez, RN, 2nd DOU East

February: Jonette Lomibao, RN, 2nd DOU East

January: Deborah (Debi) Edwards, RN, Critical Care Unit